JMailQ has the option to perform a spam check on emails prior to sending them. JMailQ uses an external spam check system from PostMark. Note: enabling spam check will cause a delay in sending your emails as it can take anywhere from 500 to 2500 milliseconds to process the spam check through Postmark. This delay depends on the size of the email and how busy the Postmark servers are. The latency for each email is shown in the email list in the JMailQ component.

If you decide to perform spam checks on your emails, this is the panel where you configure it. This dialog includes help which describes what each option does. We will go through each here as well.  The default is shown in the brackets. Where there is a choice the default is shown first.

Spam Check Enabled (No/Yes)

Enables (Yes) or disables (No) the spam check functions in JMailQ.

Mail Mime Location

This is the location of the PEAR Mime php file. This can be an absolute path on your host such as /homes/fabrikar/Mail/mime.php or a relative path such as ~/Mail/mime.php. If the path to the directory to where Mail is has been set in your php path then you can simply use Mail/mime.php

Spam Check URL (

This is the URL for PostMarks spam check interface. You should not need to change this unless PostMark changes the URL for some reason. I added this here so it can be changed without requiring a code change.

Spam check attachments

You can decide whether the spam check will send the attachments along with the email or not. Sending attachments can seriously slow down your email delivery time.

Maximum attachment size

This specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of any single attachment sent for spam check.Again, large attachments will seriously slow down your delivery time. Also note, Postmark has been know to choke on very large attachments (more than 1MB) or a lot of smaller ones. If this happens the delivery script fails and no further delivery is processed.

Spam Check Score Limit (5.0)

When PostMark processed an email for spam it returns a SpamAssasin score. Generally any email with a score of 5.0 or above is considered by most systems as spam. JMailQ will quarantine any email that meets or exceeds the configured spam score. The administrator can manually release quarantined emails in the component administration. I have my site configured for 3.0 as I want to catch potential issues early. 

Ignore Zero Scores(No/Yes)

Postmark sends a number of informational results that are all zero. Set the option to Yes and the spam check system will filter out the zero score results which will make viewing the results list in the individual emails easier and more meaningful.

Send Quarantine Report (No/Yes)

Should JMailQ send an email report of quarantined emails, Yes or No.

When to send (Daily/Each Run)

If there are emails quarantined when do you want the email report sent, once per day or at the end of each run.

Who to Send to (Admin/Other)

Who should the quarantine report be sent to. Admin is the email address of the Joomla Administrator as configured in the Global Configuration. If you choose Other an additional dialog will open where you can enter a specific email address.

Other email address

Specifies a specific email address to send the quarantine report.

Optional recipient name

You can also specify the recipients name.

Who to send from (Admin/Other)

Quarantine emails will shown as being sent from the Joomla Administrator as configured in the Joomla Global Configuration, or another email of your choice.

Other email address

Specifies a specific sender email address for the quarantine email.

Optional sender name

You can also specify the senders name.

Ignore Rules

SpamAssasin has many many rules when it scans the emails, many of these, such as no smtp headers, can be safely ignored. You can place the rules that you wish to be ignored into this field, each on a separate line. I have not provided a default ignore list as this is something you will need to determine yourself. You can safely ignore any rule that has a zero or negative spam score. Below is the list of rules I ignore on my sites: