You can safely leave the name of the plugin as filterrecipient. However, if you decide you want another name for it you must change the name in the following places. For the purposes of this discussion I am going to use a new name of acmefilters.

  1. Rename the plugin folder from plg_filterrecipient to plg_acmefilter
  2. Rename the 2 included files (php & xml) from filterrecipient to acmefilter
  3. In the xml file change the name, creation date, product name, author, authorEmail, authorUrl to your specifications
  4. Change the plugin name on the folder line to acmefilter
  5. Change the the xmlfilename on the file line to acmefilter
  6. Change the last part of the namespace line Acmefilter 
  7. In the renamed acmefilter.php file change the class name to Acmefilte and change the FilterRecipient part of the namespace to Acmefilter. You can change the commentary at the top as you wish.
  8. In the services/provider.php file adjust the use statement from Filterrecipient to Acmefilter, change the name in the getPlugin line, and the classname for the new Filterrecipient to new Acmefilter